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Washroom Studio 2024

What can I say?, we have been quite boring for a while, keeping our content creation under wraps and hidden from the public eye, mainly due to the scrutiny we face from people that are "Less than happy".

So in the 7 years of operation in Western Australia, we have found the demographic to be a transient yet deliberately ignorant population, one does not mean this as an insult or in any way to degrade people, but this is fact, undeniable.

Our content has proven to be educational, not only in Australia but across many parts of the planet where our engagement is slowly but surely building, we share a message of peace, human rights and adherence to good will.

Throughout the series of this alleged pandemic, Washroom studio have maintained a factual and unbiased approach to reporting, this has landed us in hot water, although we never speculate, force opinions or unethically write our pieces on things we find, this has pushed us into learning about the laws that govern all that we do, so that we know exactly where we stand as individuals and as members of Washroom Studio.

As we expand and step into the public market, we will be making a few changes to our structure..

Many may have noticed that we have been using the sign of unity along with our logo for some time, this is a sign of respect for all those that follow the creed, it's not religious, nor is it political, its a sign and symbol of utmost respect.

you will see many people have this as a tattoo, many feel it's a pagan symbol of devil worship and anti-religious beliefs, nothing could be further from the truth, this is a sign of peace and unity, without all the flare of ideological influence.

We believe people are free to believe as they like, yet sharing ones beliefs is a big difference to pushing ones beliefs.

Respect all, and never have a problem.

Our main logo is the shield with the Southern cross, this emblem forged from out belief in defending the freedom and rights of all Australian people, as this is our home, therefore it is our duty, in learning the laws of the land, we hold a high regard for proper Authority and completely disregard that which is false.

We do not do this to "Stir the pot", we do this to lead by example and show people that some of their lives, may in fact be slavery disguised as authority, we make no apologies for that.

This brings us some controversy, but never from those we challenge, only from members of the public that argue the things they have not looked into closely, when out and about you will see both logo's representing Washroom Studio.

The Next Stage.

Western Australia is a very different market to anywhere else in the world, it's almost like a large country town in a sense with a series of small country town surrounding it, each with their own ideals on how they demonstrate lifestyle, for example the people of Kelmscott are completely different to the people of Yanchep, the people of Rockingham are completely different to the people of Perth City.

Washroom Studio had never noticed this anomaly before now, a deep market analysis of WA shows us the need for many things that we will do our best to achieve, but we, like everyone else have limitations and conditions.

I, as the CEO (Alan MacGregor), have beep reservations about the professionalism of some of the competition we face in entertainment, where we have already seen gross animosity between our studio of creators and two Perth based amateur Radio stations. The Damage done by these attacks on our studio only served to further prove the misuse of the telecommunications act for which we chose not to sue, on the grounds of them having no money to sue them for, in other words they were quite an insignificant problem.

This is one of the reasons why our structural change is being implemented, our online communications no longer handled by the CEO directly, it will be handed over to the IT team.

There are several teams launching under the Washroom Studio platform in 2024, here are some examples that are open to Washroom Studio Members Only, I apologize that these positions are available in Western Australia only, National and international positions will be available from July 2024. considering all goes to plan.

All at local level in Western Australia Only. (Perth office team)

Production Manager.

Merchandise Manager.

Event Manager.

Food and kitchen Manager.

IT Manager.

Entertainment Manager

HR Manager.

Public Liaison Manager.

Each of these Managers responsible for handling their own respective teams, we intend to be quite busy throughout the year so competence is a much sought after commodity among the applicants.

We urge people that have been most negatively affected by this pandemic to come forward and get on board, whether you are an entertainer that simply plays one set on a guitar or an accomplished and produced artist, we would like to hear from you and either get you on the team supporting entertainers or on the team being supported.

If you have a good eye for camera and would like to have a go on some of our productions, we would love to hear from you.. We are breaking the mould and having a lot of fun in the process.

Taking applications now

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